Our Cesarean Scars

Cesarean sections are the most commonly performed surgery in the United States with nearly one-third of babies entering the world this way.

These surgeries leave scars- both visible and invisible.

Photoshoot, 2nd Round

〰️March 9th, click to sign up〰️

Photoshoot, 2nd Round 〰️March 9th, click to sign up〰️

Through photographs and written words, this collection explores how our scars change overtime and the meanings we make of them.

As a collection centering the experiences of women, this collection mentions domestic violence, miscarriage, infertility, postpartum depression and anxiety, birth trauma, and coercion and abuse by medical providers.

We hold that language matters, especially for those whose babies have entered the world this way. Whatever word you choose to use is honored (C-section, belly birth, surgical birth, Cesarean sections etc).
We will refer to them as Cesarean scars. 

Tell Us What You Think

You’re invited to share your reflections and impressions after viewing and reading pieces of this collection.

If you’ve had a cesarean section and want to contribute your reflection or are located in Minnesota and want to know when the next photo session is, please connect via the form.